Wellcome Trust International Master’s Fellowships 2021 for Low and Middle Income Countries
The Wellcome Trust International Master’s Fellowships offers nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level.
Scheme at a glance
Career stage: Tooltip , Postgraduate training
Where your host organisation is based: Tooltip , Low- or middle-income countries (apart from India and mainland China)
Type of researcher: Tooltip , Basic ,Clinical,Public health
Level of funding: £120,000 including salary, studentship stipend, fees and research expenses
Duration of funding: 30 months (12 months taught Master’s course and 18 months research project)
You can apply for an International Master’s Fellowship if:
- you’re a national of a low- or middle-income country
- your proposed research focuses on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country
- you have sponsorship from an eligible host organisation in a low- or middle-income country apart from mainland China.
You must:
- hold a clinical or non-clinical undergraduate degree in a relevant subject
- be at an early stage in your career with limited research experience (but you must have demonstrated interest in, or aptitude for, research).
Your research proposal
Your research proposal should be within our science remit and focus on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country.
When we consider your application, we’ll look at the:
- quality and importance of your research question(s)
- feasibility of your approach to solving these problems
- suitability of your choice of research environments
- suitability of the taught Master of Science (MSc) course you select – it should take place at a recognised centre of excellence and provide you with training that will complement your research project.
Who can’t apply
You can’t apply if you’re:
- intending to be based in the UK, Republic of Ireland or another high-income country(opens in a new tab) (although your taught course can be anywhere in the world)
- planning to do a Master of Research (MRes)
- a researcher in India – instead see the Wellcome Trust/Department of Biotechnology India Alliance(opens in a new tab)
- currently applying for another Wellcome Trust fellowship.
We wouldn’t usually expect you to apply if you already have a Master’s.
You can’t apply to carry out activities that involve the transfer of grant funds into mainland China.
What’s expected of your host organisation
You must be based at an eligible host organisation in a low- or middle-income country for the research project. When your host organisation submits your application, they must agree to provide the space and resources you’ll need from the start date through to the end date of your award.
What We Offer
An International Master’s Fellowship is for 30 months, unless you want to hold it on a part-time basis.
The first 12 months should be dedicated to doing a taught Master of Science (MSc) course at a recognised centre of excellence anywhere in the world.
The following 18 months is for your research project at an eligible organisation in a low- or middle-income country.
An award of £120,000 provides support for:
Support during the Master’s course
The support includes:
- travel costs (eg outward and return airfares)
- A Stipend
- approved tuition fees, according to the rate charged by the training organisation.
We support distance learning taught Master’s degrees.
If your stipend is liable for tax in the country you’re based in, you can use the funds to cover the taxed amount.
Support during the fellowship
The support includes:
- a basic salary (determined by your host organisation)
- personal removal expenses
- overheads
- research expenses, directly related to your proposal
How to Apply
You must submit your application through the Wellcome Trust Grant Tracker (WTGT).
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For More Information, Visit the Official Website of the Fellowship Here.
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