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Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship 2022-23 with 12-week Paid Internship

Deadline: 30th June, 2021

The Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship is a global program that identifies and empowers the next generation of exceptional computing research talent. Microsoft recognizes the value of diversity in computing and aims to increase the pipeline of talent receiving advanced degrees in computing-related fields to build a stronger and inclusive computing-related research community. Microsoft currently offer PhD fellowships in Asia-Pacific, Canada and the United States, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa), and Latin America.

Over the last two decades, the Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship program has supported over 700 fellows around the world. And many of whom have gone on to work at Microsoft. Others have gone on to perform pioneering research elsewhere within the technology industry or accept faculty appointments at leading universities.

The details of the fellowship program vary by region. Please see your region tab for details and instructions, as well as the FAQ for answers to common questions.



  • $15,000 USD to help complete research as part of their doctoral thesis work for academic year 2022–23.
  • Eligible recipients will also be offered a 12-week paid internship with Microsoft Research’s Cambridge, UK lab, or the Microsoft Africa Research Institute (MARI).
  • Opportunities will also be provided to build relationships with research teams at Microsoft and receive mentorship.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Students should support this mission and also embrace opportunities to foster diverse and inclusive cultures within their communities.
  • PhD students must be enrolled at a university in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, or Africa).
  • Proposed research must be closely related to one of the themes at Microsoft Research Cambridge:
  • Students must also be entering their third year or beyond of their PhD program sometime between August 2021 – July 2022 having taken into account transfers, approved leaves of absence, etc.
  • PhD students must also continue to be enrolled at the university in the beginning of academic year 2022 or forfeit the award. Fellowships are not available for extension. If you require time away for family or medical leave, this will be accommodated. If you are unsure if a particular need for time away will affect the award, you can contact Microsoft Research Fellowships at

Other Eligibility Criteria

  • Payment of the award will be directly to the university and according to the university’s policies. Microsoft will have discretion as to how any remaining funds will be used if the student is no longer qualified to receive funding (e.g., if the student unenrolls from the program, graduates, or transfers to a different university).
  • Funding is for use only during the recipient’s time in the PhD program; you cannot use it for support in a role past graduation, such as a postdoc or faculty position. Those interested in receiving this fellowship will need to confirm their PhD program starting month and year, as well as their expected graduation month and year.
  • A recipient of the Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship subject to disciplinary proceedings for inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), or plagiarism will forfeit their funding.
  • PhD students submitting a proposal should be able to communicate about their research (both in writing and verbally) in English.

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For more information, please visit Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship for more details.

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